95 different pigeonpea genotypes were employed in the construction and validation of a 62K SNP chiparray.

S. No. Genotype Germplasm/ Line Variety (year) Original source Seed source Height group Maturity group Growth habit Reference
1 AKCMS-11A Breeding line PDKV, Akola  IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61889-0
2 AKCMS-11B Breeding line PDKV, Akola IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
3 AKCMS-13A Breeding line PDKV, Akola IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
4 AKCMS-13B Breeding line PDKV, Akola IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
5 AKPHM-11303 Breeding line PDKV, Akola IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
6 AKPR-303 Breeding line PDKV, Akola IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
7 Asha Dwarf Mutant line BHU, Varanasi IARI Dwarf Medium Determinate  
8 Asha Variety (1993) ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
9 Bahar Variety (1986) RAU, Samastipur IARI Tall Late Indeterminate  
10 BDN 2029 Breeding line ARS, Badnapur IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
11 BDN 708 Variety (2004) ARS, Badnapur  IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
12 BRG 2 Variety (2009) UAS, Bengaluru IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
13 BSMR 846 Breeding line ARS, Badnapur IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
14 BSMR 853 Variety (2001) ARS, Badnapur  IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
15 CO 5 Variety (1985) TNAU, Coimbatore IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
16 Dholi Dwarf Breeding line RAU, Dholi IARI Dwarf Late Determinate  
17 H2001-4 Breeding line CCSHAU, Hissar IARI Dwarf Early Indeterminate  
18 ICPH 7-1 Breeding line ICRISAT, Patancheru  IARI Medium Early Indeterminate  
19 ICPL 20325 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Tall Early Determinate  
20 ICPL 2039 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Medium Medium Determinate  
21 ICPL 84023 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Medium Early Determinate  
22 ICPL 88034 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
23 ICPX060131 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
24 JKM 189 Variety (2006) JNKVV, Jabalpur IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
25 LRG 41 Breeding line RARS, Lam IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
26 LRG 30 Variety (1980) RARS, Lam IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
27 LRG 38 Variety (2002) RARS, Lam IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
28 MAL 6 Variety (2002) BHU, Varanasi IARI Tall Late Indeterminate  
29 MAL 13 Variety (2004) BHU, Varanasi IARI Tall Late Indeterminate  
30 MAL 18 Breeding line BHU, Varanasi IARI Tall Late Indeterminate  
31 MAPTH 1 Germplasm BHU, Varanasi IARI Tall Late Indeterminate  
32 Maruti Variety (1986) ICRISAT, Patancheru IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
33 PS5225 Germplasm SKAF, Mandsore IARI Tall Medium Determinate  
34 PAE-9-569 Breeding line IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
35 PAE-II-21 Breeding line IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early  Indeterminate  
36 PDF-EE Breeding line IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early  Indeterminate  
37 Pusa 2001 Variety (2006) IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
38 Pusa 2002 Variety (2007) IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
39 Pusa 2012-1 Breeding line IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
40 Pusa 991 Variety (2005) IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
41 Pusa 992 Variety (2002) IARI, New Delhi IARI Tall Early Indeterminate  
42 Pusa Dwarf Breeding line IARI, New Delhi IARI Dwarf Early Indeterminate  
43 Vipula Variety (2006) MPKV, Rahuri IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
44 WRG 53 Variety (2009) RARS, Warangal IARI Tall Medium Indeterminate  
45 WRG 27 Breeding line RARS, Warangal IARI Medium Medium Indeterminate  
46 B-DG 11115 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Semi erect  
47 DG (Rg) 15 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long  Compact erect  
48 DG (Rg) 16 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
49 DG(Rg)- 23 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
50 DG(Rg)- 24 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
51 DG(Rg)- 26 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Semi erect  
52 DG(Rg)- 27 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Long  Compact erect  
53 DG(Rg)- 29 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
54 DG(Rg)- 3 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Long  Semi erect  
55 DG(Rg)- 38 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Early Semi erect  
56 DG(Rg)- 39 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Compact erect  
57 DG(Rg)- 40 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Semi erect  
58 DG(Rg)- 41 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Medium  Semi erect  
59 DG(Rg)- 42 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Medium  Semi erect  
60 DG(Rg)- 44 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Long  Semi erect  
61 DG(Rg)- 45 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Compact erect  
62 DG(Rg)- 46 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
63 DG(Rg)- 47 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
64 DG(Rg)- 48 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
65 DG(Rg)- 51 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
66 DG(Rg)- 52 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Medium  Compact erect  
67 DG(Rg)- 53 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
68 DG(Rg)- 54 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
69 DG(Rg)- 55 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Medium Semi erect  
70 DG(Rg)- 56 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Semi erect  
71 DG(Rg)- 58 Breeding line NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long Semi erect  
72 EC13693 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Early Semi erect  
73 EC151154 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Early Semi erect  
74 EC528314 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Early Semi erect  
75 EC528321 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Medium  Compact erect  
76 EC528322 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Medium  Compact erect  
77 IC33671 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Early Semi erect  
78 IC387061 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Compact erect  
79 IC43534 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Long  Semi erect  
80 ICP11512 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Tall Long Semi erect  
81 ICP15054 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Tall Long  Semi erect  
82 ICP15335 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
83 ICP15350 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
84 ICP15354 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
85 ICP16451 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Medium Long  Compact erect  
86 ICP16675 Germplasm ICRISAT, Patancheru NBPGR Tall Early Semi erect  
87 T-10/9 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
88 T-13/4 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
89 T-14/18 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
90 T-17/12 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Early Semi erect  
91 T-7/5 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Early Compact erect  
92 T-87/2 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Early Semi erect  
93 T-95/4 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Tall Early Semi erect  
94 U11-34 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Dwarf Medium  Compact erect  
95 U1180 Germplasm NBPGR, New Delhi NBPGR Medium Medium  Semi erect