List of Transcript IDs of different genotypes of Cajanus cajan    
S.No. Name Transcript ID  Function Reference
1 Cajanus cajan and Cajanus platycarpus_TFs CP_TR32792|c6_g5_i1_len=1452 Thiamine biosynthetic process
    CP_TR27819|c1_g1_i1_len=2041 Oxidation-reduction process  
    CP_TR27819|c1_g1_i3_len=2389 Oxidation-reduction process  
    CP_TR27819|c0_g1_i3_len=2208 Oxidation-reduction process  
    CP_TR17529|c0_g2_i1_len=1162 Plant-type cell wall organization  
    CC_TR20761|c0_g2_i1_len=284 Thiamine biosynthetic process  
    CP_TR25054|c0_g2_i1_len=1648 Regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent  
    CP_TR54168|c0_g1_i1_len=1854 Negative regulation of catalytic activity  
    CP_TR32736|c3_g3_i3_len=3757 Response to stimulus  
2 Differential expressed gene (DEG) in C.cajan TCONS_00000014 LHY-like
    TCONS_00000069 30S ribosomal chloroplastic  
    TCONS_00000107 U-box domain-containing 6  
    TCONS_00000131 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier- ] reductase 4  
    TCONS_00000132 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier- ] reductase 4  
    TCONS_00000133 Serine threonine phosphatase 2A 57 kDa regulatory subunit B theta isoform-like
    TCONS_00000139 Small heat shock chloroplastic-like  
    TCONS_00000240 Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase  
    TCONS_00000290 Phosphoinositide phospholipase C 2-like  
    TCONS_00000292 Phospholipase C  
    TCONS_00000301 Serine threonine- kinase CCR3  
    TCONS_00000310 LIM domain-containing WLIM2b  
    TCONS_00000330 Chloroplastic isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000331 Chloroplastic isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000334 Glutathione S-transferase chloroplastic-like  
    TCONS_00000379 Butyrate– ligase peroxisomal-like  
    TCONS_00000381 CASP 2A2  
    TCONS_00000395 Auxin response factor 8-like  
    TCONS_00000420 60S ribosomal L10-like  
    TCONS_00000424 Expansin-A4-like  
    TCONS_00000435 RING finger 141 isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000438 Laccase-4-like  
    TCONS_00000480 THO complex subunit 3  
    TCONS_00000497 Linoleate 13S-lipoxygenase 3- chloroplastic-like  
    TCONS_00000515 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP40-like  
    TCONS_00000516 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP40-like  
    TCONS_00000526 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 7-like  
    TCONS_00000549 Beta-glucosidase 40-like  
    TCONS_00000611 Trichome birefringence-like 19  
    TCONS_00000638 NAC transcription factor 29-like  
    TCONS_00000709 Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase-like isoform X2  
    TCONS_00000751 Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1-like isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000768 Beta-amyrin 28-oxidase-like  
    TCONS_00000808 Uncharacterized protein LOC109802809  
    TCONS_00000831 MADS-box SOC1-like isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000870 Methionine adenosyltransferase 2 subunit beta  
    TCONS_00000910 U-box domain-containing 33-like isoform X1  
    TCONS_00000913 Probable glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 8  
    TCONS_00000978 Probable gluconokinase  
    TCONS_00000983 BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 6  
3 C.cajan root under water deficit XP_003573221.1 ABC transporter family member
    NP_001236298.1 Sucrose transporter  
    ZP_09292875.1 Glycine betaine transporter periplasmic subunit  
    CCF23020.1 Drought responsive element binding protein  
    ACB59070.1 Early response to drought  
    NP_196014.1 Signal recognition particle subunit   
    AAF71806.1 RNA recognition motif-containing protein